The United Nations General Assembly SDG Action Zone was a space inside the United Nations grounds during the 74th Session of the General Assembly from 23-27 September.
Hosted by the SDG Strategy Hub and SDG Action Campaign in partnership with Google, it hosted events, lightening talks, a rotating exhibit and an immersive content section to showcase and accelerate transformative SDG action in innovative ways.
Overview Collective curated a playlist of videos that included:
"Pearls of New York" (Overview Collective & Billion Oyster Project, September 2019)
"X-Ray Fashion 360" (MANND, Vulcan Productions & World Bank’s #Connect4Climate, September 2019)
"Guardians of the Forest" (Co.Reality & UNVR, March 2018).
These videos were chosen to transport viewers and aid them in witnessing the first-hand effects of climate change while exploring the stories behind sustainable solutions being implemented around the world.